Do more with your MedeaWiz Sprite
Add more inputs to your Sprite® to trigger more files!
The MedeaWiz 8X78 is Plug-N-Play for the Sprite. It comes with a 3.5mm 4 pole serial cable and is powered from the Sprite.
Set the Sprite's "Control Mode" to "Serial Mode" and the "Baud Rate" to "9600" in the on-screen-menu.
On your SD or USB drive, you must have a loop file named 000. Then add up to 8 files named 001 to 008 for the standard
version. With the 8X78-25 version, you can add up to 25 files named up to 025.
- Standard 8X78 allows up to 8 pushbuttons to play 8 files + loop file
- Optional configuration for up to 25 pushbuttons + loop file
- Option to add a motion sensor
- Plugs into the Sprite® with the included cable
- Powered from the Sprite®
- Screw terminals to connect pushbuttons
- Based on a PIC processor, it can be re-programmed
- We can provide custom programming to do many things
We can custom program the 8X78 for you
There are endless ways we can program the 8X78 to interact with the Sprite®.
Just tell us what you need and we'll give you a quote.
Here are some examples:
- Use pushbutton inputs to go to the next or previous file
- Use an input to select a different loop file
- Use buttons to increase and lower volume
- Use buttons to step through the video files
- Add time delays at different points
- Program inputs for a telephone keypad
- Program a sequence or "code" required to play a file
- Add ultrasonic range sensor and program file to play at certain distance
Get the idea? If you can think it, we can probably make it.